Friday, March 25, 2011

Simply Citrus Asparagus

This absolutely superb side is an amazing addition to any meal. The fresh, crisp taste of the asparagus followed by the pleasant zing of the lemon will leave you craving more! And since its packed full of vitamins, whats one more serving?

1 Bunch fresh asparagus
1 and 1/2 Tbs butter or olive oil
2 cloves of garlic, minced
Salt and pepper
1 Fresh lemon half or about 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
Skillet large enough to hold asparagus, with lid

1. Prep asparagus (rinse, cut about an inch and a half of the ends off and discard then pat excess water off with a clean towel)
2. Heat butter or olive oil in pan on medium-low heat.
3. Cover bottom of the pan with asparagus then spread garlic across the top of the asparagus. Salt and pepper to taste.
4. Cover skillet with the lid and let cook for about three minutes, then rotate asparagus to ensure even cooking on all sides. Repeat this process every three minutes for 7-9 minutes until tender or to desired crispiness.
5. When asparagus is cooked to your liking, remove from pan and place on serving dish.
6. Squeeze (or pour) lemon juice atop freshly cooked, but still warm asparagus for a nice citrus punch! Enjoy!

Queen of the Kitchen

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