Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Florida Smores

Here it is again, its been a month and you're getting that feeling where all you want to do is lounge around in sweats and eat an entire box of chocolates. You over slept this morning, missed a very important part of your day and your jeans didn't button either. But before you give up and decide to watch Lifetime for the rest of the week try this! An amazing little pick me up sent to me from one of my good friends, Aine Mistig. This little banana chocolate punch is packed full of all the good stuff we girls need to survive our week of un-idolized womanhood. Aine says, "Bananas and chocolate help boost your serotonin levels (which will help with the moodiness) whereas wheat has the carb your body needs to properly utilize the stuff in the bananas and chocolate to make the serotonin, and the hazelnut in the nutella helps give you more energy during those "I feel like a zombie" days of your cycle. It gives you that bit of chocolate you crave, but is WAY healthier for you and actually helps your PMS, unlike a pint of haagen-daaz."  Well Aine, we can't say thank you more for your generosity in this little miracle recipe.
Wheat Crackers
Banana slices
1. Dot the center of one of your crackers with the nutella spread
2. Perfectly place a slice of banana atop your nutella dot
3. Enjoy and watch your blues float away
Queen of the Kitchen

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