Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Open Your Face Sandwich

One of my most favorite snacks ever and contains most all of my favorite foods in life-tomato, cheese and bread! The essence of the sandwich is grilled cheese and tomato soup without the canned soup sodium and perfect for all types of weather!

2 pieces of sliced bread
desired cheese (I used shredded mozzarella or cheddar)
just enough olive oil to lightly coat a pan

1. place olive oil coated pan on medium low heat
2. place both pieces of bread on bottom of pan
3. coat one piece of bread (or both, depending on how cheesy you want your sandwich) with a layer of cheese and wait for cheese to melt. check bottom of bread every minute or two to make sure your bread doesn't burn. if you reach your desired crispiness before your cheese has melted lower heat.
4. While waiting for your cheese to melt, slice your tomato to desired thickness
5. Once cheese has melted and your bread is golden brown, remove from pan and place your sliced tomato on the cheese.
6. Slap your two pieces of bread together and VOILA!
7. Open your face and ENJOY!

Queen of the Kitchen

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